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The SDG Progress Review Process

Hlpf process


While this UN-SDG governing body is central to 2030 Agenda, its process presents several gaps including:

- There is a lack of connection between the gllobal, regional, national and local levels. At the HLPF, the conversations and decisions that take place are too distant and disconnected from the day to day implementation of the SDGs across countries and communities worldwide. Greater emphasis needs to be placed ahead of the HLPF to ensure local communities, citizens and national organisations can engage in discussions that directly feed into the Forum’s agenda. This will help increase internal policy coherence and understanding on implementing the SDGs internally between different layers of government. 

- National progress reports are not systematically discussed in the draft stage in parliament, during consultation processes, 

- There's not an on-going institutional capacities building

- Absence of local forms of monitoring to collect information on whether sustainability policies are actually having a useful impact at the local level

- Inexistance of recommendations follow-up mechanism 

- Lack of an on-going SDG implementation assessment mechanism 

SDG Multi-Level Governance Challenges

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