Metagovernance is a fully customizable solution for SDGs and policies assessment. Ideal for Government, organisations and evaluation professionals
The lack of progress in achieving the SDGs is due to a multitude of factors, with policymaking playing a major role in this failure. Addressing the following issues can have a very positive impact on the government's efforts towards the SDGs
Too much focus on SDG data gaps, but little attention was paid to the lack of systematic assessment of policies
Agenda 2030 is not often used by governments as policy framework which may lead to conflicting and incoherent policies
Lack of standard approach to implement SDGs across government. SDGs Custodians don't use the same tools
The absence of follow-up on VNR recommendations due to unclarity in attributing roles & responsibilities in SDG related policy making
Lack of Whole of Government approach in policymaking with ministries devise public policies in a silos without involving relevant stakeholders
Institutional, horizontal & vertical policy coherences unchecked leading to inefficient policymaking
Poor involvement of stakeholders in the whole policymaking cycle as well as poor coordination and follow up of the engagement process
The localisation of SDGs is not systematically performed by local authorties leading to the failure of operationalising "leave no one behind" principle
Civil servants in charge of policy analysis don't have the adeaquate tools to systematically assess public policies across all level of governance to inform policymakers
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