MetaGovernance , the SDG Platform

Metagovernance is a fully customizable solution for SDGs and policies assessment. Ideal for Government, organisations and evaluation professionals


SDG Coordination

MetaGovernance Platform enables the acceleration of SDG implementation through the improvement of policy integration & coherence across the government. 

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    Ensuring ‘whole-of-government’ coordination approach

    Strong political commitment and leadership are preconditions for fostering ‘whole-of-government’ action and policy coherence. Explicit, public political commitment to sustainable development expressed at the highest levels and backed by strategies, action plans, policies, legislation, instructions and incentives is essential to enable all branches and levels of government to pursue the SDGs in a coherent manner.

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    Working with sub-national levels of government

     The 2030 Agenda emphasizes that "government and public institutions will work closely on implementation with regional and local authorities". It is estimated that 65% of the 169 targets underlying the 17 SDGs will not be reached without proper engagement of, and coordination with, local and sub-national governments. Regional and local governments are essential for delivering a wide range of public services as well as the economic, social and environmental transformations needed to achieve the SDGs.  

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    Engaging a wide range of stakeholders

     The 2030 Agenda emphasizes that "all countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan". Major barriers to policy coherence are strongly rooted in differing perceptions of the challenges and priorities for transitioning towards sustainable development. Coherent implementation of the SDGs requires mechanisms for dialogue and engagement through which governments and key stakeholders can come together to identify common challenges, set priorities, contribute to the development of laws and regulations, align policies and actions, and mobilize resources for sustainable development. 

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