MetaGovernance , the SDG Platform

Metagovernance is a fully customizable solution for SDGs and policies assessment. Ideal for Government, organisations and evaluation professionals



implementation of sustainable development requires tailor-made metagovernance or ‘governance of governance’. This is necessary to develop effective governance and high quality and inclusive public administration and to foster policy and institutional coherence to support implementing the SDGs. Principles such as Leave No One Behind, Whole of Society, Whole of Government, Inter-generationality require multistakeholder and multi-governance approaches

1. Qualitative assessment of policy efforts at all levels of governance is as important as outcome data to track the implementation of SDGs

The SDGs as a framework can offer leverage for multi-level governance and facilitate transitions to alternative shared value systems; 

While performance and outcome data provide essential information to track the implementation of the SDGs, they should be complemented by other, more qualitative, assessments of policy efforts and other actions at all levels of governance, in support of the goals including policy commitments, the strategic use of public practices and procedures towards achieving the goals and the integration in strategies and actions.

To improve assessments of government efforts, one needs to assess the content of policies – including national targets, long-term pathways, and intermediate objectives – to determine if they are consistent with achieving the SDGs . Such assessments would also track policy implementation. 

Because of the complexity and high cost of such "policy trackers" assessments, governments rarely undertake them.   

2. The interconnectedness of SDGs implies the need for governments to further horizontal and vertical policy coherence

 Substantial changes in the content of SDG policies would lead to an integration of several policies. Such complex changes in content are unlikely to be achieved without procedural and institutional changes. This reasoning culminates in the following two sets of expectations.

  • When the SDGs contain goals/targets that cut across the individual SDGs and aim for a mutual attainment of the goals, we expect national governments to announce procedural or institutional changes to policy-making and implementation in order to attain policy coherence (intersectoral approach).
  • When the SDGs encourage the adoption of joint goals and/or targets, we expect substantive policy changes in order to attain policy coherence (multisectoral approach). Substantive policy changes involve changes to the policy content and the corresponding institutional arrangements for their formulation and implementation.

3. The whole-of-government principle requires breaking the policy making siloes at all levels of government

The indivisible, interdependent and inter-generational nature of the SDGs implies a need for governments to rethink their organization and working methods. However, in practice, governments face considerable obstacles to overcome traditional siloed policy making. Countries struggle to create a ‘whole-of-government’ approach to addressing the SDGs, and implementation efforts often remain disconnected from the mainstream policy agenda. 

The map below represents typical connections of line ministeries with SDG targets.

4. "Leave No One behind" principle can be achieved only through a whole of society approach that includes effective engagement of all stakeholders 

 The "leaving no one behind" challenge can be seen as a litmus test for achievement of the entire 2030 Agenda. The most important challenge being the lack of granulated data to precisely identify those vulnerable groups, however the assessment of policy efforts at the all level of government and the participation of the marginal groups in such efforts can help 

MetaGovernancePlatform helps Identifying Those who are / at risk of being left behind

Leave No One Behind is the underlying principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is the central thread which weaves together its 17 Goals and 169 targets. With the lack of disaggregated data on the groups at risk, the
platform enables stakeholders to collectively conduct assessments aimed at identifying down to the local level groups that suffer from discrimination(s) 

  • Copy whole of government

    Who they are ?

    The LNOB tool enables to realise an annual mapping of all possible groups who are subject to one or multiple discriminations to determine those who are the furtherest to be left behind. Some groups can have multiples disadvantages such as disabled women, This is a qualtitative evaluation based on local knowledge and input from marginal groups advocates.

  • Lnob where

    Where are they?

    Geo-referenced micro-assessments enable to better locate the target groups. There are no limits to the numer of micro-assessments that can be conducted. The finidngs help devising micro-targeted policies that can be monitoried by annual assessment to see the achieved results oover a period of fime.

  • Lnob what

    What Discrimination

    The objective is to assess 4 types of discriminations - Social Inequalities, Economic inequalities, Political Inequalities and General Discrimination (of complex type such as multidimensonal poverty). Some groups can be subjected to one or more type of discrimination, sych as prejudice and strigma and violence.

Meta-Governance Platform helps overcoming DFOGs across the government

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