MetaGovernance , the SDG Platform

Metagovernance is a fully customizable solution for SDGs and policies assessment. Ideal for Government, organisations and evaluation professionals


MetaGovernance System Unique Added Value

  • Operationalise multi-level governance

    By supporting the vertical and horizontal integration of governance systems, necessary to enable efficient & coherent policy making, cohesive leadership by and among all spheres of governance. 

  • Support efficient implementation of Agenda 2030

     By insuring effective coordination across institutions and identifying synergies and gaps to accelerate progress and supporting reporting on the SDGs to the appropriate in-country and international audiences.


  • Break down the policy siloes

    By supporting institutions shifting from the traditional siloed policy-making to more integrated approaches that balance short- and long-term interests in the pursuit of sustainable development

  • Serve as an engagement mechanism with non-government actors around the SDG agenda

    By mapping how different actors in the delivery networks contribute to particular targets and goals and by involving them in the assessment projects , thus operationalising the "whole of society" principle

MetaGovernance Platform helps infusing system thinking among SDGs stakeholders

through an innovative process and cascading tools that break siloes and produce coherent & sustainable policies 

  • System thinking

    Needs for policy innovation

    System thinking is vital in SDG implementation. Understanding how SDG targets interact can inform smarter planning, priority-setting and cross-collaboration that reflect the interconnectedness of 2030 Agenda.

    By highlighting challenges to progress on the SDGs, informing where change is needed to help unlock progress, the findings of MetaGovernance Assessments can help guide innovation and partnerships 

  • Process

    MetaGovernance process

    The platform is embedded with tools that enable the management of the whole collaborative and multilevel assessment process of policy efforts towards SDGs. Click on the tabs to learn more about this process

  • Preparation

    SDG Assessment Project Management

    Includes the identification and mapping of stakeholders, the creation of oversight and executive committees, budgeting & costing, the decision on support tools to be used, the planning of the assessment, the assignment of tasks to project assessment team members

  • Stakeholders

    Effective collaboration

    A collaborative assessment project is used as means to engage effectively with stakeholdes at all levels of governance around MetaGovernance platform. This collaboration helps to breaking the silos approach in policy making, strengthens the process trasparency and creates a common ownership of Agenda 2030

  • Sdg process

    SDG Assessment Process

    This process helps government ministries complete their own evidence-based assessment of SDG progress. The assessment evaluates the National / Sectoral progress across its SDG targets and corresponding indicators which were selected through an expert-driven, consultative process. MetaGovernance uses a novel approach combining several contemporary methods to produce a comprehensive assessment of sectoral progress on the SDGs. The assessment process maintains the integrity of the SDG framework and a clear linkage to official targets and indicators, while also having regard for national & sectoral priorities and relevance.  

  • Reporting

    SDG Progress Reporting Process

    Large assessment are deconstructed into numerous sub-assessments that can be conducted by multi-level stakeholders resulting in numerous sub-reports that are then synthesised collaboratively in a sectoral Progress draft report that is internally reviewed before submission to the Center of Government. The collection of all sectoral reports would constitute the National SDG Progress Reports that is then submitted to relevant parliamentary commission for input and review before its final amendment and sharing with stakeholders and with relevant multilateral organisation (such as APRM, HLPF, ..)

  • Tracking

    Recommendation tracking process

    The ultimate objective of the MetaGovernance process is to improve policy making based on the evidence found in the assessments which are expressed in terms of clear policy recommendations paper. After insuring that such recommendations are coherent, an analysis on the enabling factros is conducted to insure that the proposal is technically sound, the implementation is financially reasonable, politically acceptable and will enjoy the public consent. Once the recommendation gets the green light from the decison maker, an action officer / unit is assigned and action plan is developed, Finally, the implementation of the recommendation is imonitored

  • Policy cycle

    Policy Monitoring Process

     Monitoring policy development and implementation is an integral component of the policy cycle. In the context of Multi-level governance, the challenge is how to strike a balance between various stakeholders who can influence the movement of policy from inception to implementation. MetaGovernance Platfom helps documenting the whole policy cycle and input from involved stakeholders

Modular design for streamlining SDG multi-level governance

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